Professional translation and interpretation services in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Case study: Amway

Amway is a global American multi-level marketing company that sells health, beauty, and home care products with revenue of almost 9 billion $.

Services provided:

1. Translation of training materials found in 600 files (130,000 words) into 6 languages: Malay, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean and Japanese. In total, Maven was tasked to deliver 3600 files that contained 780,000 words.

2. Layout: among the rest, there were presentation files with rich text formats, notes to slides and other elements that required DTP (desktop formatting: post translation layout fixing).


It was planned that we combine different tools and software to manage the process as well as cloud platform to bring all linguists (we have engaged in total 58 language professionals) in one collaborative space and to coordinate teams’ efforts.

The process was designed to ensure smooth delivery of the translation service that would also include placement of the translated content back to the files bypassing DTP.

With the help of the software we managed to build and leverage on translation assets to ensure translation and glossary consistency.


The files were delivered in original format with all required content in its right place with highest level of consistency despite the fact that there were up to 58 people working on the documents. Also, we have managed to save our client almost 7000$ as we have bypassed DTP process.